Home Land Security
September 10 – December 18, 2016 at Fort Winfield Scott at Langdon Court
Occupying a suite of former military structures overlooking the San Francisco Bay, Home Land Security brings together works by contemporary artists and collectives from around the globe to reflect on the human dimensions of national security, including the physical and psychological borders we create, protect, and cross in its name. Extending FOR-SITE’s focus on provocative art about place, the exhibition invites viewers into spaces that served for decades as key sites in the US Army’s Coastal Defense System. The 18 featured artists have myriad points of origin — including China, Cuba, Iran, Israel, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, the United States, and Vietnam — underscoring the universality of themes of home, safety, and defense in an increasingly pervasive climate of fear and distrust. Home Land Security builds on previous artistic collaborations with the National Park Service, the Presidio Trust, and the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and commemorates the park service’s centennial.
Shiva Ahmadi, Tammam Azzam, Tirtzah Bassel, Díaz Lewis, Yashar Azar Emdadian, Al Farrow, Liza Lou, Mandana Moghaddam, Trevor Paglen, Shahpour Pouyan, Michele Pred, The Propeller Group, Luz María Sánchez, Do Ho Suh, Bill Viola, Alexia Webster, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Yin Xiuzhen
Featured Works
Shiva Ahmadi, Lotus, 2014
Yashar Azar Emdadian, Disintegration, 2012
Tammam Azzam, Untitled 1−3, 2016
Tirtzah Bassel, Concourse, 2016
Díaz Lewis, 34,000 Pillows, 2016–ongoing
Al Farrow, Revelation I, 2009
Liza Lou, Barricade, 2007–8
Mandana Moghaddam, Exodus, 2012
Trevor Paglen, Operation Onymous (FBI Investigation of the Silk Road), 2016
Michele Pred, Encirclement, 2003
Shahpour Pouyan, five works from the Projectiles series, 2013–2016
The Propeller Group, AK-47 vs M16, 2015
Do Ho Suh, Some/One, 2005
Bill Viola, four works from the Martyr series, 2014
Alexia Webster, Refugee Street Studio, Bulengo IDP camp, D. R. Congo, 2014−ongoing
Krzysztof Wodiczko; Veterans' Flame, 2009
Yin Xiuzhen, Weapon, 2003–7
All Home Land Security exhibition photography by Robert Divers Herrick.