FOR-SITE exists thanks to the generosity of supporters like you who believe in the power and possibility of place-based art. With your support, artists explore the reaches of their practice, find new audiences, and empower social change.
There are numerous ways to support FOR-SITE!
Make a one-time contribution to support our work in the landscape. Your gift of any size is important!
Join our essential group of Visionaries (see more information below). Visionary levels start at $20K/year and underwrite FOR-SITE’s annual operating budget.
Become a member of the Future Fund, an incubator for advancing the development of future projects. For information, contact miegan@for-site.org.
For more information about donating to FOR-SITE, email us at info@for-site.org or call us at 415.362.9330.
For credit card gifts, please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover our fees. You can also make in-kind and stock gifts. FOR-SITE’s EIN/federal tax ID number is 84-1617222.
We deeply appreciate donations in any amount.
FOR-SITE’s Visionaries are a small group of strategic and creative partners committed to helping the FOR-SITE Foundation establish itself as a more permanent arts organization in the Bay Area. Visionaries understand the profound impact that a small and nimble organization can have.
The collective contributions of Visionaries underwrite FOR-SITE’s modest annual operating budget so that FOR-SITE can fund exhibition research and development and sustain brand awareness, a donor base, and a core staff between projects.
In exchange for their deep commitment, Visionaries enjoy an intimate relationship with FOR-SITE in which they are among the first to hear about new projects as they evolve, meet FOR-SITE artists and collaborators, and experience new installations.
Visionaries support FOR-SITE at the $20,000 level or above each year with a commitment of three years. Visionaries will also be asked to support exhibition projects with leadership gifts.
If you are interested in learning more about Visionaries please contact Miegan Riddle at miegan@for-site.org or call 415.362.9330.

Donors enjoy The Last Supper with Andy Goldsworthy. Photo: Claudine Gossett

Qais Essar performing at the Night Without Borders "Sanctuary" preview; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Night Without Borders guests previewing "Sanctuary"

Victoria Rogers, Brendan Fernandes and Sarah Thornton; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Sako Fisher with FOR-SITE Foundation executive director Cheryl Haines; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Deborah Rapapport and Traci Des Jardins; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Neda Nobari and FOR-SITE Foundation executive director Cheryl Haines; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Night Without Borders guests view Michele Pred's "Encirclement"; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

World Voices Percussion performing at Night Without Borders atop Battery Godfrey; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

"Home Land Security" artist Alexia Webster with her work "Bulengo Studios", from the "Refugee Street Studio" project; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Night Without Borders guests viewing "Home Land Security"; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Night Without Borders Co-Chairs Susie Tompkins Buell, Nancy H. Bechtle, and Nion McEvoy with FOR-SITE executive director Cheryl Haines; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Cimeron Ahluhalia; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Night Without Borders; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Aey Phanachet and Roger Evans with FOR-SITE executive director Cheryl Haines; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Wobbly World performing at Night Without Borders; photo: Drew Altizer Photography

Party on the Rock guests on the ferry approaching Alcatraz, September 26, 2014; photo: Drew Altizer

Party on the Rock guests arrive at the New Industries Building while a member of ODC/Dance performs, September 26, 2014; photo: Nina Dietzel

Party on the Rock guests arrive in the New Industries Building, September 26, 2014; photo: Drew Altizer

Guests view Ai Weiwei's "Trace" at Party on the Rock, September 26, 2014; photo: Nina Dietzel

Michele Gee, chief of interpretation and education, Golden Gate National Recreation Area; Howard Levitt, director of communications and partnership, National Park Service; Cheryl Haines, FOR-SITE Foundation executive director and curator; exhibition supporters Roger Evans and Aey Phanachet; and Marcus Koenen, Alcatraz site supervisor, National Park Service, at Party on the Rock, September 26, 2014; photo: Drew Altizer

Host committee members Darian Swig, Susan Swig, Amy Rao, Randi Fisher, and Norah Stone with Cheryl Haines at Party on the Rock, September 26, 2014; photo: Drew Altizer

Guests watch a performance by ODC/Dance Company in the cellhouse during Party on the Rock, September 26, 2014; photo: Drew Altizer

Party on the Rock guests cheer during Cheryl Haines's remarks at Party on the Rock, September 26, 2014; photo: Drew Altizer

"@Large" Curator Cheryl Haines displays her "Ai Can't Be Here" jacket at Party on the Rock, September 26, 2014; photo: Nina Dietzel

Supporters explore Fort Point at the opening of "International Orange", 2012

Artist Mark Dion talks with FOR-SITE supporters at the opening of "International Orange", 2012

Artist Stephanie Syjuco greets visitors to her "International Orange Commemorative Store" at the opening of "International Orange", 2012

Artist Anandamayi Arnold mingles with FOR-SITE supporters at the opening of "International Orange", 2012

Dancing at the opening of "International Orange", 2012

FOR-SITE donors enjoy an exclusive tour of Fort Point and "International Orange", 2012

Supporters celebrate the opening of "Presidio Habitats" with FOR-SITE Executive Director Cheryl Haines, 2010

Artist Andy Goldsworthy with donors at Goldsworthy's "Spire", 2008

FOR-SITE supporters travel to Alcatraz for a dinner with artist Shi Guorui, 2006

Artist Shi Guorui talks with FOR-SITE supporters on Alcatraz, 2006

FOR-SITE supporters dine on Alcatraz with artist Shi Guorui, 2006

FOR-SITE inaugural celebration in Nevada City, 2003

Current Visionaries
Roger Evans and Aey Phanachet*
Susan Karp and Paul Haahr
Beverly and Peter Lipman
Nion McEvoy and Leslie Berriman
Kim Anstatt Morton and Ian Morton
Sonja Hoel Perkins
Sakana Foundation*
Syzygy Foundation
Annie Robinson Woods and Montgomery Woods
*Charter Visionary